1. Albanian Yellow Pages
Free print directory of Albanian businesses

2. Albanian.Com
Links to Albanian companies on the Web and other Albania resources

3. British Chamber of Commerce Export Zone Country Profile of Albania
Comprehensive overview of Albania that includes demographic, political, social and financial overviews along with details of trade missions and essential business contacts.

4. CDC Health Information - Eastern Europe
The Center for Disease Control information site for travelers to the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia/Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania,Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia/Montenegro, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

5. Country Studies/Area Handbooks - Albania
The Country Studies Series from the Library of Congress presents a description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, economic, political, and national security systems and institutions of Albania and examines the interrelationships of those systems and the ways they are shaped by cultural factors.

6. Economic Reconstruction and Development in South East Europe
A joint site of the European Commission and the World Bank to provide a real-time working tool to help donors and investors identify the current situation in South East Europe. Countries covered in this website include Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, and Romania. Available information is also provided on Kosovo, Montenegro, and Serbia.

7. European Internet - Albania
Internet newsfeeds providing information on Albania.

8. - Albania
Dutch government site providing links and information on doing business in Albania.

9. Hieros Gamos - Business and Law Guides - Albania
Legal information and links for doing business in Albania.

10. IPAnet Albania Investment Information
Free access to online investment and privatization resources for Albania provided by the World Bank's Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) division.

11. - Albania
Free Marketing report on Albania focusing on business, trade, economic and finance.

SIGMA - Support for Improvement in Governance and Management in Central and Eastern European Countries - advises transition countries on improving public governance at the central government level.

13. Transitions Online
Internet magazine dedicated to news and analysis from all 27 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans and the former Soviet Union. Countries covered include: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine , Albania,Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Yugoslavia, Russia,Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

14. US Commercial Service - Country Commercial Guide - Albania
US Commercial Service's Country Commercial Guides (CCG) are prepared by US Embassy Staff in Albania and contain information on the business and economic situation and the political climate as it affects U.S. business.CCG contains topics such as marketing, trade regulations, investment climate, and business travel.

15. World Investment Directory
Service of UNCTAD. Provides detailed information about foreign direct investment in Australia, Japan, Norway, Spain, Albania, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Includes detailed statistics on flows, stocks and TNC operations, desaggregated by components, industry and investor/recipient country.

16. World Investment Directory
Service of UNCTAD. Provides detailed information about foreign direct investment in Australia, Japan, Norway, Spain, Albania, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Includes detailed statistics on flows, stocks and TNC operations, desaggregated by components, industry and investor/recipient country.


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